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How intimate are you?
Intimacy is essential for building and maintaining strong, healthy relationships. It is about affection, (emotional) vulnerability and sexuality. You can experience intimate moments not only in love relationships, but also in a friendship, for example.
How intimate are you?
How intimate are you?
Find out with this test. You see twelve statements. Please indicate for each statement to what extent it applies to you. At the end, you will see what your score says about the extent to which you allow intimacy and where you may still be able to grow.
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The test consists of 12 statements. Please indicate to what extent each statement applies to you.
Your personal score
Find out what your score says about how intimate you are. And as a bonus you get 10 tips to improve any relationship.
Gay Men Coaching is there for every phase
Men who are just comfortable in their own skin.
Men who find it difficult to express their feelings.
Men who want to come out.
Men who miss connection with other men.
Men who worry a lot.
Men who feel insecure or misunderstood.
Men who yearn for a relationship.
Men who are tired of always having to do it alone.
Men who want to feel more sexually free.
Men who like to learn from other men.